After 3 years of hard work while dealing with lack of proper organization, your secretary being busy with other projects, soulless Patreon job (thank god for your loyal Patrons) and mental struggles... you've finally made it. The results are very good.
McDonalds' burger making quality is failing nowadays... or is that burger Gwen was eating with Pokemon figures eating a defective one? And, where did they get the meat for burgers here? Yeah, sounds weird.
Oh, and are you disguising your Patreon supporters as "Executive producers"? I don't know.
And, the "Producers" tab has numerous instances of "USER#[NUMBER HERE]"... maybe they are deleted Discord accounts. I have no idea, actually.
P.S. I don't like ASMR mukbang genre, because it's unhealthy, disgusting, irrational, and nauseating in worst possible ways.
EDIT: Oh, and Happy Holidays! This short is a good gift for all of us. I'm sorry for my nitpicks and disparaging remarks about Patreon job, because I feared that it would be a dead-end job (a job with no hope). You better relax, as life is never without hardships and struggles. Keep moving forward.