I see you, even though you blocked me while I've done nothing wrong to you. Sorry for a past message, but I never give up. Ever.
P.S. I caught an paradox!
I see you, even though you blocked me while I've done nothing wrong to you. Sorry for a past message, but I never give up. Ever.
P.S. I caught an paradox!
Kefka wannabees: "i'M goNna DeSTRoY thE WorLD bEcauSe I'M EvIl"
Let's get serious. We demand more of this comic for life. Please start working on this comic franchise, and you will shine!
Hello. This pile of inks (except white 'n black) is decently done.
Do you remember 3Mangos' Mango Pony OC? She is no longer drawn since 2019 by David (MongoArt on Twitter).
Do you even remember her?
Look, I'm NOT coming for porn at all. I'm not even horny. I'm trying to be humane, and be honest.
This positive comment is sponsored by Pocari Sweat
Let's get serious. Your talents, past and interests have inspired you to take your own career, with incredible, 90s-style art style. This is bloody beautiful, and I love this because you're doing great. Follow your story and success. Follow your audience.
CAUGHT! You were recreating the outrageous scene from Goblin Slayer, huh?
This is so beautiful and bizarre!
Moral: Don't touch the panties!
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Story in Xingzuo Temple:
After she graduated Poke-school at age of 18, Gaghiel decides to move overseas to Chilé, and was old enough to move alone (without her mother, since she is dead). Once she visited Chile, she met a group of anthropomorphic animals from Xingzuo Temple and decides to join them. But one of members Dou accidentally attacks Gaghiel, damaging her arms, legs and of course, the hair creature which Mawlie possess, injuring her in process. Dou, at her nature, is an killer. She is wild, acting mostly on instinct, yet being sentient and behaving like homo sapien. Fortunately, other members managed to stop her and took Gaghs to thier building, with the rest of the gang. Gaghs survived the attack, but she needed all the organic upgrades for her body, which started right now. And, after surgery, Gaghiel becomes... Gaghs-Etamin.
Gaghs-Etamin is an more humanoid upgrade to Gaghiel developed by Xingzuo Temple to tackle all her scars and injuries she had. With that upgrade, Gaghs became smarter, more caring, friendlier, human and lighthearted, just like old times.
PS. Dou apologizes Gaghs-Etamin for an recent incident at the first encounter. Big whoops.
Sorry for poor English, I'm Russian. Will you make your own story that is superior than mine?
An average person who loves reviewing various stuff.
Age 20, Male
The college
Russian Federation
Joined on 2/14/17